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What is Spirit Haven?

Spirit Haven, Inc. is a Pagan, 501(c)3 multicultural organization that is committed to fostering spirituality. We provide a haven for community and celebration to support and promote the well-being of a diverse membership, as well as the local and greater community.











Each year, Spirit Haven hosts a Beltane and Samhain festival at Spirit Haven Ranch, a 100+ acre property in Flatonia, Texas. These festivals include four days and three nights of Pagan-based spirituality, community, and celebration. You’ll find ample open camping, 17 Sacred Spaces to explore, a welcoming community, and a packed schedule to plan your personal event!


A Spirit Haven membership ($30 for 12 months, $15 for 6 months) includes:

  • Voting for our Board of Directors
  • Voting on policies and more at Great Works (business meetings)
  • Ability to attend Festivals
  • Ability to attend more than two WorkEnds in a year
  • Sharing in an inclusive and diverse community

6 months

$15 for 6 months


$30 for 1 year

Student yearly

$30 for 1 year

and reduced Festival prices

Military yearly

$30 for 1 year

and reduced Festival prices


Grab a friend and join us at WorkEnds: smaller gatherings focused on loving stewardship, forging bonds outside of Festivals, and caring for our home, Spirit Haven Ranch.

  • Volunteer opportunities for all skill and ability levels
  • No membership is required for your first two visits!


Community Service

Join a team


Being an entirely volunteer-run organization with over 600 active members, it really takes a village. Whether you’re designing flyers, representing Spirit Haven at a local market, a frequent WorkEnder, or running for the Board of Directors, there’s a place for you! Getting hands-on with Spirit Haven is incredibly rewarding – foster connections with new friends, get the warm fuzzies from giving back to your community, and keep Spirit Haven running with various levels of volunteerism. 

Sacred Spaces

Many members have curated Sacred Spaces honoring a wide variety of energies they feel drawn to. These scenic spaces often feature dedicated altars where those who feel lead to can leave nature-safe offerings or connect to the unique energy of the space. Sacred Spaces are perfect for reflection, learning, and rites. Currently, Spirit Haven Ranch hosts 17 Sacred Spaces.


Stay in touch

Frequently asked questions

We require a membership ($30 for 12 months, $15 for 6 months) to attend Festival in order to officially designate Festivals as private events. We do this to maintain the safety and confidentiality of our members during Festivals. We recognize that not everyone is safe or comfortable to be “out” about their spirituality or religion. Memberships are non-refundable.
Our two annual Festivals, Beltane and Samhain, are times where we can enjoy our community, celebrate, learn, and revel together. Members hold workshops during the day to educate their peers on a wide variety of practices or traditions, and host events like handfastings or healing circles. Community rituals are held in the evenings, and Revel Fire follows! We can’t wait for Samhain 2023: Masquerade of the Wild! It will be held October 19 – 22 under a waxing crescent moon.

Check out our area map to find your Area Representative – they’re your go-to for general information! Take a look at our staff directory if you’d like to address a specific function in Spirit Haven. If you’re still not sure, shoot an email to help@spirit-haven.org – we’ll make sure to find someone who can help!

How can we help?

If you're a current member, please use the email associated with your Spirit Haven account.

Faerie Mound

Located off the main road, across from Carol’s Corner, the area within the white posts/inside fencing has playground equipment and child-size picnic tables. There is no fire ring, no electricity, and no adults on-site. There are concrete tables outside near the space for adults to rest while watching their littles.  (NOTE: Spirit Haven is not responsible for providing childcare or supervision.)

Magical Meadow

Where fire comes to play and the may pole dances. One of the primary locations our community gathers to share traditions, practices and revel in our community. This also includes the concert pavilion and the Revel fire ring. There is open camping available in the back against the tree line but no electricity, limited shade, and no seating for concerts. Magical Meadow is the first thing you see as you come over the bridge, it’s a large open field with the Revel Ring in the middle.

The Ve

The Ve is a dedicated to Universalist Heathen practice, honoring the Elder Kin (Æsir and Vanir) and the Ancestors (Disir and Alfar). The Ve is an inclusive space, open to all whom the Gods have called. Within the Ve are the Thor-tree, the ancestor cairn, the sacred fire, and the altar space itself. The Thor-tree, severed in half by a lightning strike, stands at the entrance to the space. The ancestor cairn is an ever-growing monument to those who have gone before us. Rocks available in the space are able to be marked in remembrance and honor of loved ones and added to the cairn. The sacred fire is kept going with all-natural chunk charcoal, and resins are placed nearby that can be burned in the fire along with other offerings. The altar space itself is marked off from the main portion of the Ve by a stone circle. Within the space are two altars, one dedicated to the Aesir and one to the Vanir. There are alfa bowls on each altar where libations can be poured out in offering.

“With half a loaf, and cup half filled,
A friend full fast I made.” 

Temple Ganesha

Temple Ganesh is the first Hindu sacred space at Spirit Haven. Dedicated to the elephant-headed remover of obstacles, the temple celebrates Ganesha, the ruler of the Muladhara (Root) Chakra. The Temple is a sacred realm in dappled sunlight within a beautiful ring of trees. Anyone can offer puja (worship) to Ganesh with devotions, offerings, praise, chanting or song. Whether you’re there to break a coconut, offer sweetly-scented flowers or incense, ring a bell, chant or just meditate, Temple Ganesh will offer you a comfortable, warm place to worship the God of all Wisdom. Jai Ganesha! 

Self Blessing Station

This is the transitioning area from our Mundane lives to Magical lives at Spirit Haven Ranch. It is located past the Front Gate, past the bridge, on the left as you come up the hill and across from Magical Meadow. There is a sign, a table and a place to sit. You can stop after CheckIn. – if your trip was stressful, leave it at the Altar! You can stop after unloading/parking – gives you a little time. You can visit anytime you need to re-center or rid yourself of destructive or negative thoughts.

In order to have a peaceful, loving and fun festival, we need to leave our bad energies behind and invite the awesome, positive and tingly vibes into our time together. Doing it is the easy part.

  • Water – spritz yourself with spring water (no essential oils added).
  • Fire – light a candle – the winds are strong across the fields, so good luck, have a friend help.
  • Air – light some incense and place in the bucket of blue pebbles or light some sage and have someone help smoke cleanse you.
  • Earth – touch the directional stones, feel the coolness (but really HOT in direct sun), plant your feet, and breathe deep, ground yourself.

* You can leave offerings, if that has meaning for you (flowers, stones, seeds, nuts, or LIGHTERS) 


The entrance to Ravenswood is past the entrance to Lothlorien, back through the woods. There is an altar, a gathering of three trees for the Maiden, Mother, and Crone, and space to sit and reflect. Bring a chair, blanket, or commune with nature in this Morrigan-centric space.

Naos Templum

Located near the Labyrinth and centered around the fire ring on Phoenix Meadow, this space is being created for those who are called to work with Greek and Roman deities. A space to make devotions and offerings to those theoi who weave their blessings through our lives. Naos Templum is “temple” in both Greek and Latin,  respectively.

This is a long term transformation and we think that good things are worth the wait! Future plans include a rebuilt and maintained fire ring, individual devotional altars , drainage, and shade.

As of Beltane 2023, we have the posts installed where the future columns will be,  the locations and designs of the individual altars laid out, and the main altar has been set up for devotionals and offerings to all the Greco-Roman deities. We have also added temporary alter markers with a devotional for each theoi.

The main altar is stocked with offerings as libations each festival. During festival,  there will be a short overview of Greek Reconstructionist practice and some simple devotional guides. This guide also includes a list of people you can reach out to if you have further questions about Greco-Roman deities, devotionals, or making offerings.

We try to host one public event per festival. Our temple tenders do their own personal devotionals and rites in the temple and folks are welcome to observe and ask questions after they are finished.

Memorial Grove

Memorial Grove is located in a small inlet along the main road, across from Phoenix Meadow. It features an altar, with stone benches scattered around the space. We also feature the Memorial Web dedicated to those who have helped grow and shape this land.

The Grove is created as a meeting place for those who have gone beyond the Veil and those who have been left behind. It is a space for all the dark gods and goddesses but the space will forever remain undedicated to any one god or goddess. The heartsick living can find some respite in this place, and for those who have transitioned – this place is a sacred space for them and to commune with them.

Memorial Grove is an ideal choice for any sort of memorial, particularly at Samhain, but can also be used for rituals dedicated for the deities of death and the afterlife. As a meeting place, it has also been successfully used for communication between worlds, and workshops focusing on ancestors or history. It can easily fit workshops or classes of 20 people or less.


The Labyrinth is a meditative experience, journeying inward to the soul. Stay and play, pray, or reflect in the center before journeying back out into the world. In addition to being a powerful meditation tool, our Labyrinth is dedicated to the Fae and is a wonderful place to commune with them and leave them offerings. It is also an ideal space for initiations, rites of passage, handfastings, and rituals focused on manifesting within or on letting go. Come walk the Labyrinth and experience its magic for yourself!

Herne's Hollow

Herne’s Hollow has been a sacred space since 2004. It’s located across the road from the Labyrinth, down a shady path that leads you into a beautiful hollow, rich in serenity and magical presence. The ancient tribes of Britain worshiped Herne the Hunter. He is associated with the Wild Hunt, protection, warrior energy, valor, and honor. At Herne’s altar, all are welcome to bring offerings, to commune with the nature of the space, and seek a little inspiration for walking their own Path. Keep your eyes out for the Fae, in the Hollow they are often seen at play.

Haven Grove

Haven Grove is a neutral space with no particular affiliation with any god, goddess, or tradition. A sacred space for those who don’t have one. Welcome to Any and All. Will feature natural tree altars,  plenty of open area for meditation and small rituals. Also has a dedicated area for Handfasting rituals. Lots of shade, no power, no seating. 

Grounding & Centering Temple

The Grounding and Centering Temple was created at our first Beltane on the Land, based on the need for a quiet place in which to heal and seek counsel. It is open to anyone who needs a time out, a place for reflection, grounding and centering, and meditation. As you spend time here, please honor the energy and intention of the place. Help yourself to the blessing oil on the altar, and light some incense (if the wind allows) to help you in your meditations. If you are in need of spiritual counseling at the Temple, contact a Guardian, or come to Lair Bastet camp, just down from Carol’s Corner, where there are priestesses ready to help. You are never alone. 

Grandmother's Grove

Over the river (well, creek) and through the (Meditation) Woods, to Grandmother‘s Grove we go: Grandmother’s Grove has always been a part of Spirit Haven’s festivals, even before we moved to Spirit Haven Ranch. It served as a gathering and community space, a place for children’s story time, and various workshops and rituals. Now, Grandmother is waiting with open arms for any who wish to commune with her.

Here, you will find the giant Grandmother tree, a stone altar, a standing stone, a fire ring, and a large, open space perfect for stargazing, workshops, or rituals. Come sit under her tree, light a fire and stay a while, watch the stars, or read The Story of CMA from the Grandmother’s Storybook. The feeling here is warm, welcoming, and loving, and Grandmother‘s Grove is not dedicated to any particular energy. 

Dragon's Nest

The Dragon’s Nest is a secluded, calming space which is ideal for quiet meditation and contemplation. The purpose of the Nest is communion with Land and  Cosmos as living entities, Dragon, the undertow of reality, the vast, complex consciousnesses of the world around us, adjacent to human tradition, maybe even inclusive of it, but far greater than it. The space is guarded by a trellised archway, nestled in the wood across from Grandmother’s Grove. Once inside, offerings to Land and Cosmos may be made to the decomposing stump in the center of the clearing. Beneath our feet, Above, Around, and Within, the Dragon lives and so do We. 

Council Oak

Our blessed Council Oak has transitioned from her former self into a beautiful memorial altar, adorned with a beautiful altar top handmade from pieces of her trunk. A wooden footbridge and a lovely arbor lead into the space, and a cedar-post fence surrounds the entire site. 

Brighid's Temple Complex

Brighid’s Crossing: Brighid’s Crossing has existed with our organization since before Spirit Haven Ranch was purchased. It has always been a special location for crafts, chanting, music, and gathering. As the Temple Complex has come together, Brighid’s Crossing has become a more public and social part of the Complex, in contrast to the quieter, more meditative Altar area.

Brighid’s Altar: Brighid’s Altar consists of a slab of oak cut from the sacred tree known as Council Oak. At each festival, Brighid’s Temple Coordinator oversees the gathering of temporary items and gifts to place on the altar. This consists of things such as: whiskey, candles, incense, woven Brighid’s crosses, prayers/blessings/invocations written on paper, and much more.

The Standing Stone: The Standing Stone was dedicated in approximately 2008 and was livingly carved by hand to be placed at Spirit Haven Ranch. Stones have long been used as a marker of a sacred site or in honor of sacred beings. This stone was erected in Brighid’s honor.

The Prayer Tree: There are traditions of marking requests of the Gods or saints at sacred trees all over the world. Strips of cloth or other items are brought and imbued with the bringer’s wish for aid, thanks for aid given, or request for blessing in general, and then tied to the tree. These objects are believed to be a conduit of physical manifestation of the prayer or request they are sending. Many trees can be found in Ireland and across the world that hold the physical manifestations of countless prayers. The prayer tree in Brigid’s Temple Complex is just such a tree. Members have adorned the tree with pieces of cloth in representation of their wishes or prayers. This practice has been active here since at least 2008 and it is hoped that future members will learn of it and participate in its sacredness.